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The Mike Clarke Interview

Interview with Mike Clarke from Arkle Finance

We chat with Mike Clarke of Arkle Finance, to discuss the park industry, his role in it and what he likes to do when not working.

Hi Mike, thanks for taking part in the interview. Tell me what you do.

I am the leisure finance business development manager for Arkle Finance. Arkle Finance is an asset finance provider predominantly within the SME sector but with specialists employed to develop a bespoke lending service within marine, aviation and leisure sectors.

I joined Arkle a couple of years ago having worked in the caravan industry for 30+ years to assist in developing a sustainable funding facility for holiday use accommodation assets such as within the caravan sector.

Of all the things in the industry, what is your favourite thing you like to do?

I like to visit new parks and meet people and I think there is no replacement for getting in front of somebody. Teams and other online meeting software are great but doesn’t provide the same feedback that a face-to-face meeting does. Having the opportunity to visit beautiful locations and see new parks is a privilege.

Any predictions for the industry in the next 24 months, and what are your plans?

I think if there is one thing I have learned about the industry over the years it is, trying to predict the future of it is nigh on impossible! Over the years, the constant change, development and improvement has been quite remarkable. The number of high-end holiday destinations compared with those that cater for a more traditional family holiday shows how far the humble caravan has come. I also find it quite fascinating to witness the major influx of significant external investment into the sector and I am really interested to see where this takes us in the next 5 or ten years.

From Arkle’s perspective, we have ongoing growth plans across the finance business and have invested heavily in people and infrastructure to help to achieve this, which is very exciting to be a part of.

If you weren’t doing what you do, what would you be doing?

I would hope to be involved in either the caravan sector or in asset finance in some way, shape or form, I think. I started working in the caravan sector in 1991 in asset finance and have enjoyed the time I have spent within it. As referred to above, the ever-changing landscape of the caravan sector can be quite addictive, notwithstanding the characters that you encounter along the way.

What do you like to do when not working? Any hobbies?

My main hobby is watching rugby. I have been fortunate enough to watch England play, home and away, many times over the years and regularly visit Twickenham. I also visit Iffley Road stadium in Oxford to watch Oxford University play now and again, as I have done on numerous occasions with friends and colleagues from within the industry.

What has been your favourite professional moment?

In Arkle Finance, I was fortunate to find a lender with a very similar outlook to business in the caravan sector as I have from my many years with RoyScot Larch. Joining Arkle during 2021, as the country was emerging from the effects of COVID, and being warmly welcomed by the brilliant team here, is certainly well up there.

Which clients would you love to help?

Arkle provides funding to a variety of customers to acquire holiday homes in beautiful locations; what’s not to love? We deal with a diverse selection of park operators and manufacturers across the country and especially want to help those that share our business ethos and who are seeking long term and mutually beneficial relationships. We have the appetite if they have the need.

Who in our series would you like to be seen interviewed?

David Ritchie, MD of Hercma, in advance of the first ‘Great Holiday Home Show’ to take place at the Great Yorkshire Showground in Harrogate, later this year.

Read our interview with Tom Ambler from Ramtech.

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